Wednesday, July 12, 2006

First things first

Hi. I'm Lauren and I'll be your guide to learning UJML. This will be an interactive learning experience for both you the reader and me the writer.

You see, I'm learning this stuff right along with you. So I look forward to your input and questions and we'll see where this can go.

The topic that I will focus on is programming UJML. UJML is UIEvolution's programming language for writing small, embedded programs that will run atop their UIEngine. The UIEngine itself runs on many platforms, so your UJML program will be automatically cross-platform once written. Or that's the promise at least.

Please keep in mind that nothing I say here represents the opinions of UIEvolution or its customers or sponsors or employees. Everything is offerred AS-IS and confers no warranty or license or anything else. Use this site at your own risk.


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